Thursday, August 31, 2017

High Pressure Processing of Meat

What is High Pressure Processing (HPP)?

High Pressure Processing (HPP) is a cold pasteurization technique by which products, already sealed in its final package, are introduced into a vessel and subjected to a high level of isostatic pressure (300–600MPa/43,500-87,000psi) transmitted by water.
Pressures above 400 MPa / 58,000 psi at cold (+ 4ºC to 10ºC) or ambient temperature inactivate the vegetative flora (bacteria, virus, yeasts, moulds and parasites) present in food, extending the products shelf life importantly and guaranteeing food safety.
High Pressure Processing respects the sensorial and nutritional properties of food, because of the absence of heat treatment, and maintains its original freshness throughout the shelf-life.

High Pressure Processing Flow Chart

HPP processing flow chart

Necessary supply

The HPP process demands water in potable water quality. That water can be reused after each cycle. Therefore, wastewater or waste products do not occur. The amount of electricity needed varies in dependence on the plant capacity.

Suitable Products for HPP

suitable food can be processed by HPP

HPP for Processing Meat

Advantages of HPP for Processing Meat

The high pressure processing of meat and sausages denaturises pathogenetic germs and fungi. Nevertheless, that non-thermal process preserves vitamins, flavouring and colour pigments. As food is processed in the final packaging, that process meets maximum hygienic requirements, because a later contamination is excluded. Additives are not used; thus the product maintains its pure and biological state.

Examples of products

The HPP processing is optimally appropriate for the extension of shelf life of sausage and ham; thus, it is made sure that detrimental germs are denaturised. This applies to both, cold cuts and piece goods. Even today many meat processors worldwide apply HPP to gently and safely process their products being worth several billions of Euros.meat products processed by HPP

Related Sausage Making Machines

Quantitative Vacuum Sausage Filler

Hydraulic Sausage Filling Machine

Sausage Tying Machine

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